It all starts with an idea. Some brilliant thought that you are sure is going to automatically change your eating habits, workout routine, and appearance with little to no stress added to your life (or wallet). Sadly, this idea rarely turns out the way that you believe it will. Full body Cleanses, diets, workout schedules, and every other stupid idea found in the latest health magazine fizzle out and end once you realize that you can't do them and eat fast food at the same time. This is a tribute to all those who share the same lifestyle. Those who start something and can't seem to finish it. A blog of my efforts to become a full-fledged heath nut.


Sunday, April 18, 2010

Food Rules!!

This Valentine's Day my dad gave each one of his daughters a book entitled "Food Rules". This book, by Michael Pollan, is an eater's manual and follows the mantra of "eat food, mostly plants" Michael Pollan also encourages his readers to;
*Avoid food products containing ingredients that no ordinary human would keep in their pantry.
*Avoid foods that have some form of sugar listed among the top three ingredients.
* Avoid foods that contain more than five ingredients.
*Avoid foods you see advertised on Television.
These, and many other suggestions, are in the "Food Rules: An Eater's Manual" and by following a few of them you may see an improvement in your health.

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