It all starts with an idea. Some brilliant thought that you are sure is going to automatically change your eating habits, workout routine, and appearance with little to no stress added to your life (or wallet). Sadly, this idea rarely turns out the way that you believe it will. Full body Cleanses, diets, workout schedules, and every other stupid idea found in the latest health magazine fizzle out and end once you realize that you can't do them and eat fast food at the same time. This is a tribute to all those who share the same lifestyle. Those who start something and can't seem to finish it. A blog of my efforts to become a full-fledged heath nut.


Monday, March 22, 2010

DAY ONE!!! Turning over a new leaf

Today is a special day!!! It not only marks the first day that I will be writing a post on my blog, but also the fourth day that I have been off of my "it will work for sure this time" diet. Most people who know me would not be surprised by this in the least. I have fallen off of every exercise and diet bandwagon that you could ever imagine, and this newest diet was obviously no exception. Well at least it wasn't an exception until the start of this blog. This is the starting point of me buckling down and figuring out what I need to do in order to find a routine that works best for me. Luckily, my dad is also a masterful blog writer and diet follower, and I have no problem with utilizing his talents for my benefit! Being a college student I am taking these last weeks until my summer break to find every exercise, recipe and crazy diet that could work for me. Be prepared because I am taking you along for the ride!!!


  1. Every journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Good luck!

  2. Dear Aspiring Health Nut, I am so excited to follow your blog. I hope you follow my blog and we can encourage each other together.

    See you in class next week.

  3. Thanks for following my blog! I just had to stop by and check your blog out. Good luck!
